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- Buid a repeatable 5 minute trend following process.
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The dashboard will give you updated alerts every day to take control of your portfolio. You will be alerted if your stock has a positive or negative rating change so you can make the appropriate modification to your portfolio.
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Create multiple model portfolios based on your criteria for risk and return. Manage your portfolio's risk by seeing your model's beta, correlation, expected return and annualized volatility.

Sector Rotation
Our Sector Rotation page was designed to help discover changing patterns within S&P 500 sectors, so you can tactically allocate your assets.
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The Idea Wizard / Tactical Equity Model
The Idea Wizard helps establish a two step process to review the Tactical Equity Model. The Tactical Equity Model is a systematic quantitative program that formulates a view on expected short to intermediate term returns by analyzing the strongest S&P 500 stocks, on a momentum basis. The foundation for our research and strategy: Markets are not always efficient, and by allocating to the strongest 20 momentum stocks, within the S&P 500, we can create alpha while simultaneously minimizing downside volatility and risk.
The momentum based model will dynamically adjust for systematic risk, as high beta stocks become crowded, and reduce equity exposure. Additionally, the portfolio construction will dynamically change as risk premiums shift in the market, and rotate into more defensive sectors.
Learn more about the Tactical Model’s back tested results.
Sources: Tactical Equity Model. The above models results are based on a model portfolio – please read full disclaimer. Past Performance is not indicative of future results.
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Rating Scan
Our proprietary algorithm scans the S&P 500 universe for the strongest names and tracks them for idea generation for your portfolio.
Our proprietary algorithm only measures S&P 500 stocks. We feel that S&P 500 universe provides the most liquid and efficient stocks.
Our scan allows you to view names for rapidly improving, contrarian and pair trades ideas.
We have been using this same algorithm for more than 15 years to run professional money