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Chartlabpro provides quantative investment research for investment professionals.
The CLP platfrom helps investors systematize their investment process that mitigates their time spent for equity research coupled with unique data.

Why ChartLabPro
The Growing challenge of democratized data and efficient markets
Investors today have access to faster and cheaper investment data than ever before. This democratization of information is making financial markets trade more efficiently than any time in history.
Having access to the same data and indicators is making it extremely difficult for investors to generate alpha. This is because investors are not diversifying away from the crowded commonly followed data sets and indicators.
Our Edge
ChartLabPro provides unique trend following price series models that reduce price momentum volatility. By reducing price momentum, it allows for greater confirmation of price trends and price exhaustion. This is what we call “robust confirmation of price”. This robustness allows our trend models to remain in a trade for the greatest price appreciation until price is fully exhausted or price failure. This helps mitigate crowded trades and avoid momentum crashes, as well as, diversifies away from commonly followed momentum indicators. To out-perform the crowd, investors need to look at data differently and diversify away from traditional indicators or commonly followed indicators.